
Chichester Tree Wardens

Tree wardens are volunteers who play an active role in conserving trees and woods in their communities. The types of activities that tree wardens can get involved in include:

  • surveying local trees and gathering information about them
  • liaising with the local community
  • protecting trees and woods
  • organising activities, such as planting and caring for new trees.

The scheme is run nationally by the Tree Council, and is co-ordinated across the county by West Sussex County Council in partnership with local parish and town councils. Chichester Tree Wardens group comprises individuals appointed as volunteer Tree Wardens for the Chichester City Council area.

Find out more about what it's like to be a Tree Warden at:

www.westsussex.gov.uk/land-waste-and-housing/public-paths-and-the-countryside/tree-warden-volunteer/ ; and

https://treecouncil.org.uk/take-action/tree-wardens/ .

Chichester City parish area

Area we cover

Tree Wardens are volunteers appointed by Parish Council area. Chichester Tree Wardens report to Chichester City Council, so cover the area indicated by a black line in the map above.
We do sometimes get questions about trees that are outside our patch, and we do try to keep in touch with other Tree Wardens/groups nearby, so do
contact us if you have a burning tree question and we will try to help.

Mayor, Chichester, protect the trees

Who we are

We currently have volunteer Tree Wardens in Parklands, East Broyle, Summersdale, the Adelaide Road area, and Whyke. There are 11 of us in all. If you can help keep an eye on trees in any other area, or support our existing Tree Wardens on their patches, please get in touch.

Some of our volunteers may be contacted direct:

(Please note that these are incoming email addresses only - replies will come from the individuals' own email accounts.)

It is so much easier to notice trees where you live - trees that are the backdrop to our everyday lives. We rely on others bringing tree matters to our attention and would love to hear from you with any queries/observations you may have.

Support Us with a Donation

If you would like to donate towards the promotion, protection and planting of trees in our area, please let us know.

The easiest way for us to accept donations is direct to our account via internet banking. Our account details are:

Payee: WSSCU Ltd Capital

Sort Code: 08-92-99  Account Number: 65313363

Payment Reference: 11578CHISTRTREEWRDNSS1

As this is an account with our local Community Bank (Boom Community Bank) the reference is important to make sure funds reach us.

Alternatively, please address a cheque to Chichester Tree Wardens.

Donations help us to access resources that we cannot get for free (the monthly subscription to our website host, for example) and can help us bid for funding through grants to make what we raise go further. We really appreciate any help we receive and the ability it gives us to do more.


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